Why Choose PNUS

Memory sticks have always been a little boring, until now. Want to have fun while making memories stick? 

We’ve got you covered, while not compromising on storage and speed.


  • Up to 1TB

    The storage you need.

  • Up To 1000MB/s Read Speed

    Fast, never slow.

  • Light Weight

    Perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle.

  • Durable

    Long-lasting and hard-wearing.

  • Compatible

    Compatible with your favourite devices.

  • Forever Warranty

    Your PNUS is forever.


Strong and robust, PNUS performs best in class.

Our PNUS advanced Flash Controller and latest 3.2 Gen 2 3D Nand Flash memory, performs at least five times faster than competitor’s flagship models, two times faster than portable SSD's and eight times faster than your average external hard disk.

PNUS Large and OMG! have been developed with technology exclusive to PNUS.

The powerful flash controller, coupled with our 3D Nand Flash memory allows up to 1000MB/s read speeds for USB-A and USB-C! No tricks, just impressive PNUS technology.

Did you know that most 1 TB drives only support read speeds between 150-500MB/s and write speeds of up to 200MB/s? Not PNUS. Our performance is everything.

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Capacity 64GB, 128GB, 250GB, 1TB 4GB, 128GB, 256GB 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TB 250GB, 500GB, 1TB, 2TB
Build Material Anodised Aluminium Plastic/Metal Metal Rubber Coated Plastic
Performance up to 1000MB/s up to 200MB/s up to 150MB/s up to 550MB/s
Interface USB - 3.2 Gen 2 USB - 3.1 USB - 3.1 Gen 1 USB - 3.2 Gen 2
Dual Drive USB-A & USB-C
Cable Free
Accessories PNUS Protection PNUS Ring, PNUS Packaging
Size 11.4 x 1.78 x 0.76 mm 5.84 x 1.78 x 0.76 mm 1.45 x 1.22 x 0.76 mm 8.850 x 49.550 x 96.200 mm
Weight 24g 9.07g 24g 38.9g